The National 2023-08-07 Detroit, The Fillmore - Full Show 4K
The National
August 7th, 2023
Detroit, MI
The Fillmore
Audio Matrix (12’ FOH, slightly right)
1. Schoeps MK4s Babynbox Marantz PMD 620 (Oade Concert Mod)
2. AT853 ( Mod) Sony PCM-M10 (Oade Concert Mod)
Video: Panasonic ZS100
Once Upon A Poolside
Tropic Morning News
Ice Machines
Don’t Swallow The Cap
Bloodbuzz Ohio
I Need My Girl
Little Faith
Humiliation - Murder Me Rachel
Grease In Your Hair
Space Invader
Day I Die
Pink Rabbits
Fake Empire
Encore Break
Send For Me
Mr. November
Terrible Love
About Today
One of my very rare open taping experiences. HUGE thanks to The National for allowing me to come and record their show in Detroit. The Fillmore is notorious for giving a lot of pushback for tapers but TN’s tour manager was very helpful! I recorded with both my AT and Schoeps mics and matrixed the two sources together. My stand was just off to the right of the soundboard near the VIP section. Although 12 Ft high, there is still a little noticeable chatter during some songs. Also you could hear some of the walkie chatter at FOH. But it is not that noticeable. Just me being critical of the tape. I can’t wait to see this band again. It was my first time, as I’ve never been able to be in the same city as them while they tour. Enjoy!
If you have unreleased Nine Inch Nails recordings, please visit me (Ryan) at .
If you have unreleased Rage Against the Machine recordings, please visit TJ at .
If you have unreleased Linkin Park recordings, please visit Mark at .
If you have unreleased Depeche Mode recordings, please visit Matt @
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