Who and how tried to split the church in Belarus? The project of autocephalous schism. Part 1

Guidelines of a marginalized group for the implementation of the autocephaly project of the Belarusian Orthodox Church. The first attempts to bring the Orthodox Church in Belarus to a split were made a hundred years ago. The project failed. During the years of the Great Patriotic War there was again an attempt to declare the Belarusian Orthodox Church autocephalous. The project was to be realized by Abwehr agents — members of the Rada of the Belarusian People’s Republic. After the war the special services of several Western countries, including the CIA, took it up. Let’s name the architects of the project of autocephalous split in Belarus and tell who financed them in the two-part documentary investigation of the Agency of TV News “Rebels on the Holy“. Приложение АТН: ➡ ➡ атн/id1410677136?mt=8 ЕЩЁ БОЛЬШЕ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ В НАШЕМ ТЕЛЕГРАМ- КАНАЛЕ “ATN_NEWS”: А также в социальных сетях: #Belarus #news #AtnBel
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