Deva Premal - Tara Mangalartha Mantra (Climate Balance)

Help us get this mantra out into the world! We are happy to know that so many of you have been playing the Tara Mangalartha Mantra (Climate Balance) with ON REPEAT! - and receiving powerful transformational experiences as a result. This is the way of the Tibetan Buddhist Prayer Wheel: We give the momentum so the wheel continually spins and releases its prayer out into the world. And so it is with Mantra. Our continual chanting of the Tara Mangalartha Mantra benefits our precious Mother Earth. Our request now, is that you go to your favourite streaming platform and play the track - Tara Mangalartha Mantra (Climate Balance) - ON REPEAT! - Maybe we can help create a planetary-chanting prayer wheel. Let it charge up the atmosphere, lighten our burden, and release its good vibes into the air. Try playing it in your home, even when you are away - or keeping it on repeat all through your night. This ancient mantra has been handed down over thousands and thousands of years and it invokes the balance that is needed on the planet right now. Become a human prayer wheel - let the mantra chant you. Keep it with you, even when you’re walking or driving - it will transform all activity into prayer. Blessings to our friend, Tibetan Buddhist teacher Lama Tsultrim Allione for passing this precious mantra on to us. It is from the Longchen Nyingtig tradition in the oldest school of Tibetan Buddhism, the Nyingma. Also! Keep the prayer wheel turning in the world of Social Media - go and LIKE & COMMENT & SHARE THIS POST!! We all have a responsibility - Let’s get the whole world chanting this mantra. ✨ Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Maṅgalaṃ Śhrī Mahā Pāṇi Svāhā ✨ “Om! Hail to Tara! Come near swiftly, Tara! Bestow great resplendent auspiciousness. ” ♾️ The goddess Tara Mangalartha is peaceful and gold in color. A rain of nectar and auspicious symbols descends from her body, benefitting all beings, plants, and harvests, establishing the entire world in perfect balance and prosperity. Upon her utpala flower is an auspicious infinity knot. Atop her crown are Buddha Amitabha and a crescent moon. Light radiates from her body, the infinity knot, the crescent moon, and Buddha Amitabha. ♾️
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