Tomb Raider - The Fountain of Youth - Part 1 Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) - The Fountain of Youth - Part I Walkthrough Level By : Feder Story Original story by Philip Campbell: It is believed that the fabled Fountain of Youth lies at the very center of the vortex known as the Bermuda Triangle – it has even been said that this ’fountain’ does not just merely act as a regenerator of ’life spirit’ but may also be the gateway to the heaven-like state of Nirvana (or the true location of Atlantis)… In mythology, the Bermuda Triangle can be viewed as a sequence of 3 ’lay lines’ locked into place at the 3 corners by powerful and magical ’generators’. It is only by the sheer accident of a spilt cup of tea that Lara, while pursuing this mystery, discovers that the Bermuda triangle may have been plotted in the wrong position, and a simple shift in her calculation of its geometry reveals 3 possible new locations for these generators. One point lies in New Orleans... Part 1: Lara has arrived to New Orl
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