The Easiest Way to Animate a Map in After Effects 2023 (NO PLUGINS)
This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to animate a map in Adobe After Effects 2023, no third party plugins required.
David Rumsey Map -
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GEOlayers 3 MasterClass -
Now learn how to flyover the map! -
0:00 Intro
0:04 Get a High Resolution Map
0:38 Setup an After Effects Comp
1:12 Setup the 3D Rig
3:20 Animate
5:26 Easing the Animation
6:11 Adjusting the Camera
6:59 Stylize
7:41 Final Animation
Monday Maps -
Tuesday Tools -
#map #aftereffects #animation
Tools I Used in this Tutorial -
Envato Elements -
GEOlayers 3 -
Adobe After Effects -
Music by Premium Beat
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