Some Modern Weapons for Fallout 4 | Fallout 4 Mods

Fallout 4 has had a lot of mods over the years, overtaking both Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 in terms of mods uploaded to the Nexus, and thankfully this means that we can basically change the game into anything we want, and with the launch of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 this year, here’s a couple of Weapon mods from MW2019 you can add to your Commonwealth Don’t forget to like or share the video, but anyways, here’s the mods MW - AS Val Tactical Action Extension Package (Beta) MW - Kilo141 MW AUG Sanctuary Estates - Clean Version other mods used ENB REACTOR - A FALLOUT4 ENB Weather / Lighting ENB lights HDR Patch (removed from nexus ) NAC
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