FLCL Reanimated is an upcoming animation collaboration for Fooly Cooly featuring over 250 artists/animators from across the web, coming together to re-create the fan-favorite episode: Brittle Bullet! Check out this brief teaser to get a good look at what our team has been cooking up behind the scenes!
• Thumbnail Artwork:
- Sabby Quint ()
- shleptboi ()
• Featured Animators (In-Order of Appearance):
- KayMakesThings ()
- Grambee ()
- brando9g ()
- Sprite_Star0 ()
- SalmonTheKing ()
- SetiSpaghetti ()
- SuperStarmations ()
- Telebotz ()
- Flip down yonder ()
- Gunkeystuff ()
- Mr. Sheldon ()
- Graskip ()
- MachiToons ()
- Moikaloop ()
• Lifeguard Announcer VA:
- shleptboi ()
• Song Used:
- Deltron 3030 - Positive Contact ()
- Twitter ()
- Instagram ()
- YouTube (@flclreanimated)
- Newgrounds ()
Premiering this Winter 2022! Stay tuned for more trailers and special announcements in the near future!!!
#flcl #foolycooly #flclreanimated
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