Production and cultivation of multi stem combined bonsai根と茎を組み合わせた盆栽の作り方と栽培初玩盆景的連

Several issues of bonsai multi-stem combination cultivation and styling videos were posted. Friends asked some questions about the operations in the combination process, and selected some cuttings of Xiajuan and Podocarpus sylvestris, and specially produced this period of multi-stem bonsai combination video. Explain in detail some details of the combined operation 盆栽のマルチステムコンビネーション栽培とスタイリングビデオのいくつかの問題が投稿されました。友人はコンビネーションプロセスの操作についていくつか質問し、XiajuanとPodocarpus sylvestrisの&#
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