432Hz | A MILLION FIREFLIES | Raise Positive Vibrations | Manifest Miracles | Deepest Healing Music

432Hz | A MILLION FIREFLIES | Raise Positive Vibrations | Manifest Miracles | Deepest Healing Music Miracles are hidden in nature’s tiniest little things. Ever wondered what a miracle firefly is? When I showed my little daughter firefly for the first time, she was awestruck, she asked me 100s of questions that night.. For her that was the greatest magical moment of her life. As she added that day to her “Best Day Ever“ list. For her the world is filled with magic and miracles. And then, life happens and we loose our ability and curiosity to see these miracles happening around us every single day. Here we send a million fireflies, to raise consciousness and energy, so that we do not get lost in our energy sucking routine. Let’s do a little experiment .... Let’s all go out tonight, and try to find something magical around us... some fireflies, some shooting stars, some halo moons and miracles. Yes, when we look with right intention, we will find miracles too. And
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