Vicious Circle - Cryptic Void (Full Album 1993)

Vicious Circle from New Jersey formed in 1989 and played (still play) fiery yet tempered death/thrash with a technical edge, not too dissimilar to Sadus’ second and third albums or a slightly more measured Ripping Corpse. This album was released by JL America, and considering how many bands from that label are well known in an underground sense despite not having too many releases, it’s a bit of a mystery why at least a similar level of renown did not follow Vicious Circle. Irregular releases cannot have helped, but they still have two excellent albums and a handful of short form releases worth the listen. A new EP, Unearthed Precision, will be out soon. Musicians: Brian Chicano - vocals Vinny DiBianca - guitars Mel Leach - bass Dave Surran - drums
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