Женская мода в кино за 100 лет

The leading ladies, heroines, and bombshells of the movies have captivated us ever since film’s first flicker. We review a century’s worth of iconic screen sirens with help from the talented and beautiful Olivia Culpo. ★ MOVIE TITLES BELOW ★ { Model } Olivia Culpo 1910’s: Cleopatra | actress: Theda Bara 1920’s: Ben-Hur | actress: May McAvoy 1930’s: The Wizard of Oz | actress: Judy Garland 1940’s: Casablanca | Ingrid Bergman 1950’s: The Seven Year Itch | actress: Marilyn Monroe 1960’s: Breakfast at Tiffany’s | actress: Audrey Hepburn 1970’s: Grease | actress: Olivia Newton-John 1980’s: Flashdance | actress: Jennifer Beals 1990’s: Clueless | actress: Alicia Silverstone 2000’s: Legally Blonde | actress: Reese Witherspoon 2010’s: Black Swan | actress: Natalie Portman Visit Visit us for more! http://www.
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