️ On the US policy of waging wars all over the world in order to maintain hegemony:

️ On the US policy of waging wars all over the world in order to maintain hegemony: “This premise that the US is working from is one of global hegemony. After the end of World War II, the US wanted to assert itself as the sole superpower on Earth, and that meant they needed to eliminate peer and near-peer competitors and they also needed to subordinate or re-subordinate a lot of these nations that had been former European or American colonies… And that is what the United States has been doing around the globe, from the Vietnam War, to Afghanistan, to Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now this conflict in Ukraine, this proxy war the US is waging against Russia in Ukraine,” Brian Berletic, ex-US Marine, independent geopolitical researcher, and writer based in Bangkok, told Sputnik. Listen to more of Berletic’s analysis in our podcast The Critical Hour Catch us at , 1390AM (Washington DC) and , , 1140АМ (Kansas City) Источник: Sputnik International
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