Daft Punk’s Homework - The Samples

All known samples from Daft Punk’s debut album ’Homework’ as of 2019. There is also ’Indo Silver Club Part 1’ as a bonus at the end, since it was in the Indo Silver Club single, which is a song on Homework. My recreation isn’t perfect, I think I didn’t pick the right parts of the sample but I guess it’s still enough to visualise how it was made, as no one did online before to my knowledge. Not on Youtube, at least. Note: The Kris Kross Jump sample is possibly not even used in Revolution 909, just speculation, it’s yet to be confirmed if there’s even a sample in that track apart from the sounds at the beginning & end of the track. I still put it in there just because I feel like it’s possible that Jump was actually used and I sorta hear it. Also I know the editing is very poor, it’s pretty much my first time doing so, but it’s not like anyone’s gonna watch this video anyway so it’s not that big of a problem. - Software used: Ableton, Audacity & Sony Vegas Pro 14
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