Candace Owens believes that there is credible evidence that Brigitte Macron was born a male and that they are covering it up

Candace Owens believes that there is credible evidence that Brigitte Macron was born a male and that they are covering it up. -Pictures they used to “debunk“ show her older brother looking remarkably just like her but her older brother in family pictures that people believe is actually “her“ has inexplicably gone missing. I’m sure it’s nothing. -The mainstream media has been saying this is crazy without providing any proof. -Respected French genealogists worked on this story, and they determined that Brigitte Macron did not exist for the first 30 years of “her“ life. There are no photos of her pregnant. They sent the Secret Service out to intimidate and detain the person who was investigating this story. -Another journalist who dug into this story could not debunk the story, she was tracked down by the Secret Service to silence her. -They are alleging that Brigitte was born male. -Brigitte does not seem to know her own age. -The second photograph the media used to debunk her being a m... Source: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ?
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