NATO Defence Chiefs Conference (1950)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. NATO Defence Chiefs Conference. Brompton Road, London. MS NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) Defence Chiefs arriving at Territorial Army Headquarters in Brompton Road. Sentries salute. LS car drawing up. MS Occupant of car alights and enters. Mores shots of cars arriving. LS delegates assembling around table. C/U of delegate looking in is despatch case. LS and GV’s of conference (3 shots). SCU Marshals Elliott and Slessor (U.K.) and Admiral Sherman (U.S.). MS Delegates. CU and MS Delegates (2 shots) CU Sign - ’Conference’ - pan to people entering. SCU Delegates arriving (2 shots). CU A Sergeant saluting. SCU Delegates alighting from car. SCU Sign - ’Conference’ - pan up to delegates, entering. MS Delegates entering. MS Pan from map to 4 delegates L to R. Col. Van Mijmatten (Holland) Major General Roda (Italy) Major General SB. Rawlins, Captain Di Frigati Sioppa (Italy.) CU Three of the group. CU Pan round of Major General De
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