He’s Been SAVING UP For A Lawn Mower So I Cut His TALL GRASS For FREE

One late evening I was driving to view a property a new client had sent me for a lawn care estimate and noticed this overgrown yard right across the street. I went over and knocked on the homeowners door and a man answered it. I asked him if everything was alright and if he needed any help mowing his tall grass. He told me that he had just moved into this place in winter and has been saving up for a lawn mower in order to mow. With working a full time job, very high rent, and other expenses in his life, saving up for a lawn mower has been tough. He’s trying his hardest! He even told me how he’s riding his bicycle to and from work to save on fuel cost. With fuel being over $ per gallon in most states, I can see why he has to! People like this man are the ones who truly deserve a blessing from above. I hope you enjoyed the complimentary lawn makeover, Jesse. Take care and God bless you with saving up enough money to buy a lawn mower. Have a great day! Buy Me A Coffee
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