Half-Life Single Segment in 32:55 by quadrazid

Speedrun performed by quadrazid July 1, 2011. 00:00 Anomalous Materials 04:25 Unforeseen Consequences 05:45 Office Complex 07:14 “We’ve Got Hostiles“ 07:35 Blast Pit 12:05 Power Up 12:06 On A Rail 15:32 Apprehension 17:54 Residue Processing 20:01 Questionable Ethics 22:14 Surface Tension 25:38 “Forget About Freeman!“ 26:28 Lambda Core 28:35 Xen 29:08 Gonarch’s Lair 30:51 Interloper 32:08 Nihilanth 33:24 Outro This run is recorded in one single-segment, which means that it has been recorded in one part, in one sitting without using save-files, pausing or quitting. Best verification for this is the demo file: Download insane quality mp4, 1280x720 60fps X264 Started this project April 2010. Back then, I had an estimated time of 46 minutes. Time went on and I found n
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