Playing the devil’s advocate here with a fun video of Lady Gaga and Madonna comparisons. I like Lady Gaga, have even seen her in concert, so don’t get me wrong here. I made this for fun to show that “originality“ is tough these days, especially when Madonna is the queen of pop and has done it all. So, whether it be coincidence, inspiration, or copying is for you to decide, and that’s why I made this- to pose that very question and see where everyone stands :). I know a lot of these clips are different in many respects, and I’m NOT saying Gaga intentionally copied every single thing. Many inspirations Madonna and Gaga did pull from other artists and places, but it’s still amusing to see and I have fun making videos and just want to see where people stand on this :). Again, PLEASE NOTE: i am NOT necessarily saying Gaga is copying Madonna, I’m just presenting the similarities I found and leaving it for the viewers to discuss, so feel free to attack me rather than coming up with
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