
The idea of this experimental macro video was born from lack of traveling due to certain events in 2020 and desire to showcase the capability of the awesome Pocket 2 camera as not only a great blogging device, a good b-roll camera, or super gimbal for travel, architecture, etc short films, but also an amazingly capable machine for creative experiment right at your home. We use different inks, alcohol, soaps, and other different mixture of household chemicals for creating liquid art of flow and movements. It was a challenging but really fun project as we have never shot macro with inks before nor have we done it with Pocket 2 (I believe this type of video with ink is the first to be shot on this device). It took us 3 weeks of pure experiments, try and error, to get the right effect with inks and chemicals. And 1.5 weeks of shooting after that, using DJI Pocket 2 camera with and without a macro lens to gather more than 7 hours of footage (690 GB of clips). The post-production alone took 1
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