On National Unity Day, the exhibition Russia opened its doors at VDNKh

🇷🇺 On National Unity Day, the exhibition “Russia” opened its doors at VDNKh Today, November 4, Russia celebrates National Unity Day. One of the main events is the opening of the International Exhibition and Forum “Russia”. It will last until April 12, 2024. All the most important achievements of the country are collected on one site - VDNKh. Visitors to the event will be able to view 131 expositions from 89 regions, as well as from key Russian companies and departments. Correspondents of the Telegram channel “Russia 24” have already arrived on site and are preparing a series of posts about the most interesting things you can see. In addition to the exposition, the exhibition will host an educational program, which includes lectures, workshops, trainings, round tables, seminars, quizzes and other activities. The main event of the program will be the educational marathon “Knowledge. The First”, it will take place from November 4 to 6. Источник: Lord Of War
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