10 Valuable Facts about Money

Fools are soon parted with it; you can roll it, it doesn’t grow on trees, it’s the root of all evil, and it can burn a hole in your pocket. While money cliches are a dime a dozen, our list of money facts is priceless. 1. The Lydians invented coin money around 700 B.C. China invented the first paper money around the same time. 2. It wasn’t until 1963 that the motto “In God We Trust” appeared on U.S. paper currency. 3. In Old English, pygg was a type of clay that was used to make jars and dishes that held money. The word eventually morphed into “piggy bank.” 4. Paper money carries more germs than a toilet. A majority of bills have traces of cocaine, fecal matter, Salmonella, and E. flu virus can live for over two weeks on paper money. 5. All the bills and coins circulating in the United States today are worth $1.2 trillion. 6. Arguing about money is the number one predictor of divorce. 7. The
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