Summary of The Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare)

📺 Need a good summary of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice? We got you covered! :) Like this video and subscribe to our channel Poor Bassanio needs cash – fast. How else can he woo the beautiful and wealthy Portia? Luckily, his best friend Antonio, a merchant, helps Bassanio out by striking a dodgy deal with a local Jewish money-lender named Shylock. Shylock agrees to lend Antonio the money on one condition: if he can’t pay back the money in three months, Shylock will take a pound of Antonio’s flesh, which would kill him! Will Bassanio win Portia’s hand in marriage? What will happen when Antonio can’t pay back the loan – will Shylock really demand a pound of his flesh? Watch our plot summary of The Merchant of Venice to find out what happens. You can find this and other Merchant of Venice videos like act summary, theme analyses and quote analyses on Schooling Online along with other famous plays by Shakespeare 👇 The magician Prospero, stranded on a remote is
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