How did the Fatimids conquer Egypt? βš”οΈ A pivotal moment in Islamic History βš”οΈ DOCUMENTARY

🚩 Thanks to Kingdom Maker for sponsoring - Download Kingdom Maker on iOS & Android and start ruling today: 🚩 The Fatimid Conquest of Egypt, a pivotal moment in Islamic history. It destroyed any semblance of central authority in the Muslim world, provoked the reaction of the Turks as defenders of orthodox (Sunni) Islam, impelled the Omayyads in Spain to declare their own Caliphate, launched the powerful Murabitun revolution in western Africa, denied the Muslims their last chance to conquer Europe. Moreover the Fatimid schism gave the Crusaders an opportunity to capture Jerusalem in 1099. 🚩 Consider supporting our work on Patreon and enjoy early access ad-free videos for as little as $1:
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