Lake Malawi

No lake in the world contains such a diversified and distinct community of cichlid fishes as Lake Malawi - more than 800 species have been 800 that evolved from only two species. The cichlids are among the fishes best designed to adapt to living in a tropical lake. All Malawi cichlids are endemic to this lake. There are even cichlids you just can find on one certain spot in the lake, like Pseudotropheus saulosi 05:14 at Taiwanee Reef. Apart of that sometimes more than 70 different species are to find at a single location. The most important factor that gives cichlids an avantage in a new lake is their ability to adapt rapidly to a new environment. Therefore you can find several types of feeding specializations. The Aulonocara species 00:50, with their large opening on the head which looks like colored patches, feeds by “listening“ to the movement of small crustaceans in the sand. The fin biter Genyochromis mento 01:21 has the nasty habit of feeding on the
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