Barry Long ≡X≡ The End Of The World & Afterwards

●“THE ONLY TRUTH IS TO BE (IN) YOUR SENSES“ ●“TO STOP SUFFERING & RESTORE YOUR PRESENCE THEN (BE (IN) YOUR SENSES)“ ●“THERE IS NO OUTER SPACE (IN) TRUTH“ ●“PURE PRACTICAL ACTION IMPLIES NO THOUGHT, NO FEELING & NO EMOTION“ ●“MALE & FEMALE ARE PRINCIPLES. MAN & WOMAN ARE PRODUCTS OF TIME & EXPERIENCE. MAN & WOMAN ARE OBSTACLES TO MALE & FEMALE TO SHINE“ ●“LIFE IS where your BODY IS & THE ONLY REALITY IS where your BODY IS neither in Kosovo nor in London“ ●“Consciousness IS THE KEY of harmony & freedom“ ●“The truth of life on it is. You have no right to be unhappy ever“ ●“SPACE is the highest (in)telligence there is“ ●“LOVE is the finest communication there ’re here for LOVE, that is your PURITY“ ●“If you think then you’re not what you are“
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