Our Future Climate Starting Now - Why we have entered a cooling period for many years to come.

This video starts with the 6th January 2023 Nana Akua show but goes into more detail than usual and evolves into an explanation of the many reasons of why we are facing a cold future. A series of events are coming together all about the same time. It features a clip from my video:- A Colder Future and The Pilgrimage of a Skeptic It also refers to a Tony Heller video:- The prediction about our future starts at 36 mins 34 secs into the video but watching from there does leave out a fair amount of background information from the first 34 minutes.. The video is designed to arm viewers with information to counter the extreme net zero narrative of all the major parties in the UK and beyond. If you wish to support my work by helping towards my expenses (I make no profit at all), you can do so here:-
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