Sports Fans Meet At Manchester - Boxing (1948)

Full title reads: “SPORTS FANS MEET AT MANCHESTER“. Manchester, Lancashire. BOXING Boxing fight between Peter Kane and Stan Rowan in progress. Referee starts fighters on last round. High angle shot, Kane swings at Rowan. Rowan misses with two lefts. Kane weaving as Rowan attacks. Kane rushes across ring and misses with left. Rowan counters with right but lands with left. High angle shot, Kane forces pace. Rowan fights back. Rowan swings a right to Kane’s chin, Kane counters with body punching. Rowan goes back on ropes. Kane closes in and lands a left and right. They go into clinch. High angle shot, Rowan forces Kane against ropes. Rowan measures Kane with left and punches away. Long shot, fight. Rowan still hitting Kane against ropes. Kane forces his way out. Kane chases Rowan and they exchange blows. High angle shot of the players mixing in middle of ring. They stop boxing. Rowan pats Kane on head. Referee holds Rowan’s hand aloft. Close up shot of excited spectators looking up into ring. Close up sh
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