Half Life 2 Episode 1 - Zombine Sounds

“Hmmm. A Combine zombie. That’s, that’s like Zombine! Right? Heh... Zombine, get it? Heh heh. Okay.“ ―Alyx Vance The Zombine or Combine Zombie is the result of a headcrab attaching to a Combine Overwatch Soldier. Alyx Vance coined the term “Zombine“ as a portmanteau of “Zombie“ and “Combine“. The appearance of the Zombine is taken as evidence that the Combine were losing control of City 17 following the near-destruction of the Citadel. Prior to the human uprising, there were very few headcrabs in the city, only found in areas that had fallen into disrepair. However, thanks to the prolific use of headcrab shells against rebel safehouses before and during the uprising, headcrabs came to infest large areas of the city, particularly its underground sections. Zombines are first encountered in Half-Life 2: Episode One, when Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance stumble upon a troop train in the severely headcrab infested City 17 underground, in the chapter Lowlife. Zombines walk more slowly than the ave
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