Orca Encounter (Full Show) - SeaWorld San Antonio - March 21, 2021

Taken during Spring Break 2021, featuring Takara and her daughters Sakari and Kamea taking on the entirety of Orca Encounter! Some highlights this show are Sakari’s center side breach at 20:20 and Takara putting 110% on a spin bow at 18:38. 0:14 - One Song with Takara, Sakari, and Kamea, starting with Takara’s fast swim - 0:36 Sakari’s back breach - 1:52 Kamea’s belly breach - 2:16- Takara slides out 3:10 All 3 whales center alien, Sakari and Kamea leaned back for the landings -4:35 Husbandry Demo and Play with Takara, Sakari and Kamea, starting -with their pod swim -6:33 Offering Takara the water hose -7:15 Takara lifts her tail on the slide out -9:15 Sakari and Kamea sighting bow 12:25 - Splash/The Hunt with Takara, Sakari and Kamea, starting with -Takara’s fluke splash zippers -14:18 Takara’s thrash slideout -15:35 All 3 whales fast swim together 18:08 One Big World with Sakari, Kamea, and Takara, starting with Sakari and Kamea’s zippers -18:38 Takara does a really good spin bow! - 20:20 Sakari’s
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