Painted Faces/七小福 (1988) - HK Full Movie w/ Eng Sub

Sampan’s Rating: A- Finally back in print--on bluray nonetheless--Alex Law and Mabel Cheung “Painted Faces“ is an excellent followup immediately after “An Autumn’s Tale“ from 1987. This biographical, tragicomic drama details the life and times of the Seven Little Fortunes’ childhood (Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Lam Ching-Ying, etc) and their Peking Opera master Yu Jim-Yuan. This is a delicate and sensual drama almost akin to Stanley Kwan’s “Rouge“ with somewhat dreamlike period details and visceral use of slow motion. Editing and direction aside, we see career highlight dramatic performance from Sammo Hung playing his old master, as well as a strong performance from Chung Gam-Yan who played a teenage Sammo Hung. Other great stars liven up this film strength, including a supporting role for the Shaw Brother’s legend Cheng Pei-Pei as the master of the adjacent women’s opera school and Lam Ching-Ying who essays a struggling stunt actor and old
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