Within Temptation - Shed My Skin (feat. Annisokay) - Visualizer

Listen to ’Shed My Skin’ across all major streaming platforms: Get your tickets to ’The Aftermath’ now: About the song: “’Shed My Skin’ revolves around dealing with inevitable changes in life. It is about becoming the person we are meant to be, even if that means losing people we love, but have grown apart from. Real growth begins where comfort zones end and that’s exactly what the song is all about: if we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living,” – Sharon. Stay up to date on any Within Temptation news: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Within Temptation - Shed My Skin (feat. Annisokay) lyrics: Carry on your fire and raise your head. And everything comes to end, when hearts asunder. When you gather like bird
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