ASMR Energy Cleaning & Scalp Massage on Sister for Tingles, Sleep

Click and use code KARUNA50 for 50% off your first Care/of order 🥰 Welcome to our channel. The family you’ve always needed. This is your safe space, and if nobody has told you they loved you today, I love you, with all of my person. We sound like a cult, because we probably are. From the archives ✨ I find it so odd that some of my most recent comments from our fam is asking where Ashlee is, my sister in law! Well - she’d left before my surgery to move to a new state park (literally at the beach 😤) and has been doing super well! Make sure you follow her channel if you haven’t already, but.. we filmed this video three days before Christmas.. before my life was essentially flushed down the toilet lmao. She’s to hopefully return for Easter 2022, so comment below what you’d like to see with us family! PS - that OF comment I make during.. I wasn’t kidding hah! And always.. if nobody has told you they loved you today.. know that I love you. With all of my person. Here’s to better days, fam
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