Salving The “Hindenburg“ Aka Salving The Hindenberg (1930)

Full title reads: “Scapa Flow. Scapa Flow. Salving the ’Hindenburg’. Further efforts are being made to raise the mighty flagship of the scuttled German Fleet.“ Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, Off Scotland. Shots of the wreck of the German warship ’Hindenburg’. This film shot in 1926 shows the superstructure of the ship above the water. More shots of the wreck of the ship (by 1930 much of the metal work had been cut away). Water is being pumped out of the hull. Slowly the ship begins to rise in the water. CU of water being pumped out. A diver in a diving suit is seen beneath the water working on the wreck. MS of diver returning to the surface. The bow of the ship is exposed showing lots of seaweed. Men are working on the decks. Nice shot of two men cleaning barnacles of the some of the ships guns. Shots around the ship. N.B. The ’Hindenburg’ slipped back into its previous position after this salvage attempt. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PA
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