Dream Theater - The Dance of Eternity Beatbox Cover

It’s been a while since I said I would do it, but here it is! Thank you to username “MusicGodFromMSB“ whose excellent tabs (on ) I used to help me learn the time signatures and intricate drum parts in this song. This might be best heard through headphones (but not at max level or . at the beginning of the beatboxing). A few notes: When I said “of which there are 108,“ I meant 108 changes, or shifts, not 108 different time signatures. At 1:56 when I hesitated to switch the cards to indicate “3/4,“ the time does change at the moment I began to change it. At 6:49, the “7/8“ card I drew was shown three eighth notes too late (a mistake I often made in my several attempts). The Dance of Eternity is a part of Dream Theater’s album Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from a memory released in 1999, and is the copyrighted property of its owner(s).
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