Taraf de Caliu - Balada Conducătorului & Cântecul ciobanului

Taraf de Caliu, live recorded in Gradina Sticlarilor. A Vinyl, Rum, Tapas & Wine original production. Booking: 40 742 808 507 // Taraf de Caliu had some magic concerts in Grădina Sticlarilor, Bucharest, where this video was live recorded. Using a startlingly improvised technique, with a horsehair tied to his violin, inherited from Nicolae Neacșu, Caliu puts a spell on us with Balada Conducătorului (Ballad Of The Dictator) a song about the harsh times under Ceaușescu’ s regime. The second song, Cântecul ciobanului care și-a pierdut oile. (The song of the shepherd that lost his sheep) was sang by Caliu’s ancestors and it’s inspired by a true legend. A shepherd was very sad because he lost his sheep, a lăutar came and started to sing, calling for them. One by one, the sheep came back home, brought home by the violin strings that sounded both like a bagpipe and caval. Full of joy, the shepherd gave to the gipsy musician a pa
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