Time lapse and star trails

Was recently under some dark skies (Bortle class 3) and couldn’t pass the opportunity to take landscape astro photos. Hope you enjoy! The apparent motion of the stars in the night sky are due to Earth’s rotation on its axis. Looking north, the stars form concentric circles around the north celestial pole, near Polaris. Stars closer to the poles form smaller arcs and hardly seem to show any diurnal motion. Looking towards the celestial equator, however, stars begin to move parallel towards each other and only the stars further away begin to form arcs as they come closer to the celestial poles. Shots were taken using a Canon Rebel T5i and an internal intervalometer via Magic Lantern 1st sequence: 700x20“ 18mm F/1.8 ISO 3200 2nd sequence: 500x20“ 11mm F/2.8 ISO 3200
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