Is Virtual Reality Bad For Your Brain?

Video Authors: Milan Sivakumar B.S in Biomedical Engineering Other Videos on Virtual Reality from How Virtual Reality Affects The Brain: Scenes: 0:00 Intro 0:36 Basic Numbers 1:22 Becoming Homeless Study 2:01 Negative Effects of VR 2:50 Absorption 3:50 Children Vs. Adults under VR 4:33 Common Side Effects of VR 5:00 Conclusion In this video we examine the idea that virtual reality may have detrimental effects on your Brain Health in both the short term and long term. We take a look at some study such Stanford’s Becoming Homeless Study and examine the concept of an EEG to further ponder this question. Sources: #:~:text=The total number of active,themselves to be hardcore gamers Songs: We Always Thought the Future Would Be Kind of Fun by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: A Mystical Experience By Unicorn Heads
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