Music To Your Ears: Tokyo -

Gaku Takahashi, the owner of a popular restaurant St Pierre in Tokyo, likens the use of background music to salt in his dishes - it is essential to maximize flavor, but not so much that you are aware of its presence. Carefully chosen jazz and French chanson playlists - which change to reflect the time of day - enhance the mood via discreet Yamaha VXS1ML and VXS3S loudspeakers, complimented by MA2030 mixer amplifiers. The speakers are so small that customers rarely notice them, yet many compliment Gaku on the high quality of the soundtrack to their meals. - Product List - Speakers: VXS1ML, VXS3S, VXS5 Power Amplifier: MA2030 Watch other cases. About Yamaha speakers for background music: #Yamaha #YamahaProAudio #YamahaBGM
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