Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Basics 4/4

Volume I -- Guard Armlock 1 & 2 Triangle Choke 1 & 2 Omoplata Kimura Sweep 1, 2 & 3 Guillotine Armlock Sweep Passing Guard 1, 2, 3 & 4 Defending the Stack Volume II- Side Control Side Control Intro (Postitioning) Mounting 1, 2 & 3 Setup for Kimura Kimura Armlock Neck Crank Taking the Back Escapes from SC Takedown Destroying the Base Volume III -- Mount Maintain the Mount Armlock 1 & 2 Americana RNC Gift Wrap Shoulderlock w/ transition to Armlock Escaping the mount Bridge and Roll Trap and Roll Elbow Esca
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