Karahan Tepe | Civilization of the Ancients | Andrew Collins | Origins Conference

Andrew Collins will be co-hosting a tour to Turkey in May 2023 with Megalithomania: In this exclusive Origins Conference online lecture Andrew Collins presents his research on the incredible findings coming out of Turkey’s 11,000 year old site of Karahan Tepe. He introduces his own personal quest to understand the purpose, history and astronomical alignments there and show how this dovetails into the remarkable stone enclosures and cult shrines being found there today. Andrew Collins is a science and history writer, and the author of books that challenge the way we perceive the past. They include From the Ashes of Angels, Gods of Eden, The Cygnus Mystery, Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods and The Cygnus Key, as well as co-authoring Origins of the Gods, Denisovan Origins and Path of Souls, with Dr. Greg Little. Andrew is co-founder of the Origins Conference. His website is . Also features a Q&A with Andrew.
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