Title: 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble
Circle/Artist: UI-70
Album: the Gift
Album: riddles covered in flowers
Original: 幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble (Ghostly Band ~ Phantom Ensemble)
This is a mix of UI-70’s two Phantom Ensembles from the albums riddles covered in flowers (the rock version) and the Gift (the unplugged version). I first heard them from Chaosangel209’s (then 092) and Kakashimr’s channels. I loved both songs a whole lot and I would actually spend a lot of time trying to sync the two up in two different YouTube Tabs. I finally got around to finding some software that let me mix the two together into a truely epic song that mixes both the unplugged style and the rock style.
This would not be possible without the excellent work done by the folks at the Poltergiest Mansion. Thanks guys! This video is dedicated to you!