Queen Juliana Signs Statute (1954)

Hague, Holland (Netherlands). SV. Pan, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and Prince Bernhard en route to the Knight’s Hall at Hague in their golden coach. SCU. Pan, Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard en route to the Knight’s Hall at the Hague in their golden coach. GV. Coach arriving at the Hall, guards lined up. SV. & CU. Group of Surinam soldiers serving in Dutch Army saluting. CU. Surinam soldier saluting. SV. Prince Bernhard assisting Queen Juliana from coach, pan as they enter Knight’s Hall. AS. & CU. Towers on Hall. GV. inside, man at mike addressing Queen Juliana who is on throne. LV. Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard listening. CU. Queen Juliana listening. SV. Distinguished people looking on. SV. Members of Parliament. LV. Queen Juliana steps down from throne and walks towards small table to sign Consolidation Statute of New Kingdom. This document makes Netherlands, Surinam and Antilles equal partners in the Kingdom. She is assisted at the signing by Mrs Tellegen, director of her cabinet. SCU. & CU.
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