Horrifying Moments! How Ukrainian Troops Destroy Russian Tanks Convoy Near Avdiivka

The Russians had previously spent months attempting to dislodge Avdiivka’s Ukrainian garrison without success. Now, amidst a lull in Ukraine’s counteroffensive, they’ve launched another assault. However, it seems the odds are not in Russia’s favor. Attacking entrenched enemy positions has proven to be a formidable challenge for the Russian forces. The Ukrainian troops have learned, and now the Russians are relearning, the harsh lesson that assaulting fortified positions is a costly endeavor. With pre-sighted artillery and omnipresent drones, the Ukrainians have created a challenging environment for direct assaults. The aftermath of the recent Russian attack reveals a significant setback. Wrecked Russian vehicles and casualties litter the fields between the two forces, with independent analysts estimating around 70 vehicle losses on the Russian side compared to approximately 15 on the Ukrainian side.
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