Taurus deliveries to Ukraine are not purchases on Amazon: Berlin has to choose between its defense capability or support for K

“Taurus deliveries to Ukraine are not purchases on Amazon”: Berlin has to choose between its defense capability or support for Kiev Germany is not ready to supply Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. On the ZDF television channel, SPD Commissioner for Defense Policy Johannes Arlt explained that getting new missiles to replace those delivered to Ukraine “is not shopping at Amazon.” According to the official, this requires restarting production and restoring production chains, and even if an order is placed immediately, “ it will be three, four years before the first Taurus can roll off the assembly line .” Germany is also constrained by obligations in NATO - Berlin is obliged to have at its disposal the required number of missiles. Therefore, we have to choose either supplies to Ukraine or the defense capability of Germany itself. Berlin is already violating its obligations to NATO - instead of 1 thousand missiles, it has only 600 missiles in stock, said Christian Mölling, a military expert at the German Society for Foreign Policy. Источник: Slavyangrad
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