One and Only FMV (R&B Piano) | Zhousheng Chen & Cui Shiyi Sad Love Story [1080p HD]

Compilation of Zhousheng Chen & Cui Shiyi subtle glances and gestures from One and Only drama. This version is an extended (and not so emotional) version of another video I previous upload: Music: “You Miss Me” by Jurrivh TAGS #周生如故 #oneandonlyfmv #oneandonlymv #FMV #fanvidfeed #cdrama #cdramafmv #cdramaedit #chinesedrama #chinesedramafmv #chinesedramaedit #cdramaedit #cdramaedits #chinesedramaedits #cdramacouple #fmv #edit #zhoushengchen #cuishiyi
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