UK: Tank Gunnery School. (Part 2) (1941)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit UK: Tank Gunnery School. (Part 2) of P10360 v666 Full Description: England Mass Tank firing Manoeuvres. Lulworth, England Gen. view pan. of mass of tanks in muddy field stationary. Semi view of soldiers working on tanks. Cu. view of soldier hitting caterpillar of tank with hammer. Semi view of 2 men working on top of tank. Semi view of soldier on tank cleaning tank’s gun. Gen. view of men running to tanks and getting in. Gen. view pan. of tanks on the move. Back view travel shot of tanks in line firing. Long back view travel shot of tank showing tracks left in mud by tanks. Semi view of heavy tank away from camera pan. to another tank past camera. Cu. Tank’s caterpillar past camera. Semi view of light tank past camera. Gen. view of heavy tanks across field. Semi view of tanks in line towards and past camera firing. Back view travel shot of tanks in line thru mud firin
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