Far Cry 4 - stealth Outpost Liberations 4k/60Fps

Once again Ajay Ghale playfully liberates several outposts across kyrat. As always, have fun watching peeps. Far Cry 4 graphic settings : 4k ; v-sync off , maxed out except for : Shadows : Ultra ( The Nvidia Gameworks feature called Softshadows looks really shit on distance and even very close there is next to no noticeable visual improvement , however in 4k = ~ -10 - 20 fps ) Fur : on ( Enhanced , which again is an Nvidia Gameworks feature creates super looking fur on the animals but it give fps drops from anywhere between 10-60 fps , even without any animal on the screen ) Godrays : off ( another Nvidia Gameworks feature , “volumetric fog“ looks pretty shit and “off“ looks almost exactly like “enhanced“ , but enhanced eats 10-20 fps in 4k and most important it crashes the game ) Considering the fact that Ubisoft worked together with Nvidia until the release of far cry 4 and even promoted this game together with the at that time new maxwell cards it’s absolutely hilarious how piss broken these nvidia game
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