San Miguel Volcano Eruption Update; New Explosive Eruption, Increased Gas Emissions

On November 15th, a new explosive eruption began at the San Miguel volcano in El Salvador. While still ongoing, this eruption has thus far been relatively small with a striking resemblence to the style of eruption at the Kerinci volcano in Indonesia. As a result of the eruption, a 3 kilometer exclusion zone was declared around the volcano. This video will discuss the geologic history of the San Miguel volcano and analyze what might happen next. A special thanks to: @lol_iyoutube for granting me permission to use several images and videos he took of various volcanoes and volcano related features in El Salvador. His channel: @lol_iyoutube Thumbnail Photo Credit: Google Earth, © Google; Map Data: Image © 2022 CNES / Airbus If you would like to support this channel, consider becoming a patron at Another way to support this channel is to make an order via our gemstone and geology related etsy store at
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