Transspecies dog people take over Berlin train station

For those of you dog tired of reading about LGBTQ rallies, you may find this latest protest something different to get your paws into. A group of people who identify as dogs, ‘Canine Beings,’ held a rally in Berlin to demand equality for people who identify as dogs everywhere, and possibly a nice biscuit and some homework to eat. Or, at least, that’s what we think they were saying, as what they actually did was get on all four legs and bark a lot. This mangy lot wasn’t just made of dogs, however, but included all sorts of transspecies individuals joining in to denounce their humanity and sniff the other man-dogs. A spokesdog for the group described the gathering as ‘rough,’ although it’s possible he was just making a dog noise. The gathering took place outside a Berlin train station, presumably because if it was next to a road they would have all started running after the cars.
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