Restoring Cast Iron Pan Found from Dumpster

I found this cast iron skillet from a dumpster and decided to restore it. It’s very rusty and it’s missing a handle so I need to make a new handle. Funnily enough it was the same dumpster I found the previous cast iron pan too. I started by cleaning all the burn stuff that was loose of first. It will be much nicer to laser clean when I don’t have to burn those off with the laser. Next Iaser cleaned the pan. More info about the devices you can find from: Next I sterilized the pan with isopropyl alcohol. Laser cleaning should clean everything off but since the cast surface is porous and there might be residues of motor oil or some other unhealthy oils fro mthe dumpster I decided to do this anyways. I drilled a hole to make the handle removable. The pan is so heavy I didn’t want to friction fit, especially since I will be heating and cooling it over and over again. Friction fitted handly would probably get loose really fast. I
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